• Call us: +855 11 20 15 21 
Provide Pre-Assessment for below: - Ethical & social compliance audits, - Workplace health and safety audit...
=> Provide HR & Payroll Management System (Finger print system)  => Provide outsourcing service (HR, P...
- Pre-production inspection-PPI, - Post (pre) shipment Inspection – PSI, - In-line (random) inspection...
Provided Awarenes Training a below: - Internal auditing skill awarenes trainings, - CSR & Workplace compliance ...

Our Services

Provide Pre-Assessment for below: - Ethical & social compliance audits, - Workplace hea...
=> Provide HR & Payroll Management System (Finger print system)  => Provide outsou...
- Pre-production inspection-PPI, - Post (pre) shipment Inspection – PSI, - In-line...
Provided Awarenes Training a below: - Internal auditing skill awarenes trainings, - CSR & W...

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Job Announcement !

Job Announcement!   Busines Development Executive, 01 Post   About the Company: Afford Complia...